
ネットゼロウォーター研究会会長 末岡 徹
(2019年2月15日 赤坂インターシティコンファレンス)

ただいま ご紹介いただきました末岡です。

ネットゼロウォーター研究会は、昨年2018年6月発足した研究会で、ウェルシィ、地圏環境テクノロジー、東洋熱工業、ノーユー社、バーガーパートナーシップ社、 そして事務局として日比谷アメニスが参加している研究グループです。



実は私は若い頃、3年間 アフリカ・ナイジェリアのサバンナ地域で地盤と地下水を対象にプロジェクトに携わったことがあります。皆さん、サバンナ地域では、乾季と雨季でどれくらい地下水位が変化するかご存知でしょうか?実は、半年で6メートル以上も変化しました。驚きでした。私にとって、地下水及び水循環の原点となる体験でした。


また国際的には2015年9月、SDGs、すなわち持続可能な開発の17のゴールが、国連の場で,満場一致で採択されました。「水」が、誰もが安全に利用できる持続可能な「水」として、人類全ての目標になった訳です。最近では、SDGsは、企業活動の「道しるべ」と位置づけされ、各企業はSDGsの各目標と会社の成長戦略を結び付け、経営目標として取り入れようとしています。そして企業活動ではさらにその先、すなわち会社の長期的な 投資をどの分野に持っていくか、が重要になってきています。これがESG投資です。
そして、2015年9月、世界最大の年金基金である日本のGPIFが、ESG投資を重要視することを決めました。これにより、日本でもESG投資が、大きな流れとなってきたのです。国連における持続可能な開発目標SDGsの採択が2015年9月、さらにパリ協定CO P21の合意が2015年12月ですから、そういう意味で2015年という年は国際社会及び日本にとって、大きな転換の年となりました。

最後に、オフイス・マの近江明(おうみあき)様、「ネットゼロウオーター~ランドスケープに取り入れる~アジアの事例から」と題して、アジア各地に展開するランドスケープと水と緑の活用についてご講演をいただきます。いずれのご講演も、ランドスケープと、持続可能な水循環の先進例を紹介するもので、今後の皆様のお仕事に、お役に立つものと 期待しています。





Opening Address by Chairman Toru Sueoka for the Open Seminar of Net Zero Water Association

At Akasaka Intercity Conference Center on February 15, 2019

Thank you for the kind introduction. I am Toru Sueoka. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude that such a large audience has come to join us at the open seminar of the Net Zero Water Association during these busy days near the end of the business year.

The Net Zero Water Association study group was created last year in June. The members are Wellthy Corporation, Geosphere Environmental Technology Corporation, Tonetsu Corporation, Noyu Corporation, Berger Partnership Corporation of USA, and, as the General Office, Hibiya Amenis Corporation. The aim of the association is to achieve zero water balance within properties and in local areas by building green infrastructure using soil and plants, and by creating landscapes that incorporate the latest water purification systems.

For humans, animals, plants, and all the other living things, water is an absolute necessity. However, only a fraction of the water on the earth is accessible to us humans. This is because 97.5 percent of it is seawater. Freshwater accounts only for 2.5 percent, of which 80 percent is ice in the Antarctica and other areas and most of the remaining 20 percent is groundwater. The freshwater we can easily access in rivers, lakes, and other water areas only makes up 0.01 percent, or one ten-thousandth of all water on Earth.

Let me give an example. Rainwater falling in the upper reaches of the Tone River flows down to Choshi, Chiba Prefecture, and runs into the Pacific Ocean. This only takes a couple of days. So why is the river filled with water at all times? Partly it is because dams hold back some of the water, but it is largely due to the fact that most of the rainwater soaks into the ground and becomes groundwater that gradually seeps into the river. Thanks to this groundwater, the river always has running water. The groundwater allows humans to live on the earth. As you know, humans and almost all other creatures live in a great water cycle of evaporation, precipitation, groundwater, and rivers. The groundwater forms a gigantic “basin” of freshwater in the earth. This, literally, is the water of life.

In my early days, I spent three years participating in a project investigating the ground and groundwater in a savanna region of Nigeria. Do you know how much the groundwater levels in savannas can change between the dry and wet seasons? Amazingly, they can vary more than six meters in half a year. This experience prompted me to start thinking about groundwater and the water cycle.

The Basic Act on Water Cycle took effect in July 2014. This was the first time for Japan to define groundwater as a public asset.

The Basic Plan for Science and Technology the Fifth Phase was launched in April 2016. As a representative of the Japan Federation of Economic Organizations, I helped the team to develop the plan. The plan proposes that a sustainable smart society called “Society 5.0” be developed based on local regions.

The UN summit unanimously passed the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, or SDGs, in September 2015. Easy access to a safe and sustainable water supply was listed as one of the goals for all of humanity. Recently, SDGs have been viewed as a ‘guidepost’ for corporate activities. As a result, companies have started incorporating SDGs in their management objectives, relating the goals to their growth strategies. Using SDGs to pursue business growth requires companies to decide on which fields to focus long-term investment. This, in turn, requires companies to invest in Environment, Social, and Governance, or ESG, in their business operations. Japan’s Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF), which is the world’s-largest pension fund, decided to emphasize ESG investment in September 2015 when it signed the UN initiative Principles for Responsible Investment, or PRI. This set a major trend for the Japanese business sector. Thus, the year 2015 marked a major shift in Japan as well as abroad with the adoption of SDGs by the U.N. in September and the agreement of climate change in Paris at COP 21 in December.

For this seminar today, we have invited the three guests to speak at the open seminar of the Net Zero Water Association. First, Mr. Mitsuhiro Yamazaki from Creative City Lab will give a keynote lecture with the theme of “Design of sustainable towns in Portland, USA, from the net zero perspective.” You will also hear about his experiences in the environmentally-advanced city. The next speaker, Mr. Jonathan Morley from Berger Partnership, USA, will talk about landscaping projects in Seattle and other cities under the theme of “Net zero water on the Pacific coast of North America, including Seattle". Lastly, Mr. Aki Oumi from ‘Office ma’ in the USA will give a talk on landscapes that were created together with water and greenery in many Asian regions under the theme of “Net zero water in landscapes in Asia.” These three lectures will show you advanced cases of landscaping and sustainable water cycles, which I expect you will find informative for your future business.

Japan will host the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics in 2020 and the Osaka Expo in 2025. With the keyword of “sustainability,” these major events in the 21st century are expected to be quite different from those in the 20th century.

The Net Zero Water Association will help build a better society by creating new values through landscapes that incorporate the latest technologies based on a sustainable water cycle.

I hope my words have given you a better understanding of the aims of the Association.

Lastly, I would like to thank with all my heart the people who made this open seminar possible. Thank you so much for attending today.